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Men of the Long Range Desert Group after returning to
headquarters at the end of a desert patrol, Siwa, Libya, 1942
China, 1944: the Chinese assistant chief of police and his staff
grouped in a circular doorway at headquarters in Chengdu
A wren serving with the crew of a harbour launch in Portsmouth, 1941
Villagers cross duckboards over floating bamboo poles, Guangxi, China, 1944.
The poles are being soaked in fresh water to prepare them for construction use
Flying Officer Neville Duke of No 92 (East India) Squadron.
Duke was a Battle of Britain pilot and is pictured here with his Spitfire
at RAF Biggin Hill in 1941. After the war, Duke became one of Britain's
leading test pilots and broke the world air-speed record in 1953
A man and his daughter pass posters in Cairo, Egypt, 1942
A British sailor on shore leave, Harrogate, 1941
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