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Judge of Photography Contests
In 2002, the observer and commentator of the 3rd Human Contribution Award International Folk Photography Competition of the United Nations
In 2003, a judge of L'oreal China Contemporary Photographer Award of the 3rd China Pingyao International Photography Festival
In 2004, the observer and commentator of the 4th Human Contribution Award International Folk Photography Competition of the United Nations
In 2004, a member of Art Commission of the Forbidden City International Photography Exhibition, Beijing
Exhibitions of Photography Works:
In1991, Contribution of Asian Pacific Area Culture Art Exhibition in the U.S.A. Olympia
1992年《映像与时代》----国际摄影艺术大观 中国。台北
In 1992, The Image with the Times- International Photography Art Exhibition Taipei, China
1992年 第二十届卡尔森国际文化展美国。洛杉矶
In 1992, the 12th Carlson International Culture Exhibition, Los Angeles, USA
1993年 帕洛斯福德斯--堪察加艺术交流展美国。洛杉矶
In 1993, Palos Verdes-Kamchatka Art Exchange Exhibition, Los Angeles, USA
In1993, Here•There. The Past and Present Photography Exhibition, Los Angeles, USA
1994年 王瑞摄影作品展美国。洛杉矶
In 1994, Ray Wang Exhibition Works Exhibition, Los Angeles, USA
1995年 第五届《半岛影像》摄影展(获大奖) 美国。洛杉矶
In 1995, the 5th Peninsula Image Photography Exhibition (Awarded), Los Angeles, USA
1998年 洛杉矶海港学院美术作品年展(获大奖) 美国。洛杉矶
In 1998, Art Exhibition of Los Angeles Harbor College (Awarded), Los Angeles, USA
In 2001, Chinese Cities in the 1980s Photography Exhibition, St. Louis, USA.
2002年 洛杉矶中国城历史文物展美国。洛杉矶
In 2002, Los Angeles Chinatown Historical Relics Exhibition, Los Angeles, USA
2003年 第三届平遥国际摄影大展(“市集人物”系列)中国。平遥
In 2003, The 3rd Pingyao International Photography Exhibition (“Market Characters” series), Pingyao, China
2004年 华美博物馆《洛杉矶中国城历史影像》图片展 美国。洛杉矶
In 2004, Photo Exhibition of Chinese American Museum - Los Angeles Chinatown Historical Images, Los Angeles, USA
2005年 第五届平遥国际摄影大展《反光时空》个人摄影作品展 中国。平遥
In 2005, The 5th Pingyao International Photography Exhibition Reflective Space and Time Personal Photography Works Exhibition, Pingyao, China
2007年 第七届平遥国际摄影大展《故园情怀--漫记1980》摄影展 中国。 In 2007, the 7th Pingyao International Photography Exhibition Hometown Feelings-Essays 1980 Photography Exhibition, China
2007年王瑞摄影作品展 中国。临安
In 2007, Ray Wang Photography Works Exhibition, Lin’an, China
Photography works are permanently collected by the following:
Chinese Ski Museum
Government of Palos Verdes City, Los Angeles, USA
South Bay Buddhist Society, Los Angeles, USA
Los Angeles Harbour Community College, USA
Community College in Forest Park Saint Louis, USA
Chinese American Museum, Los Angeles, USA
Guangdong Museum of Art, China
Pingyao International Photography Museum, China
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